Banchory Primary School Visit To Hill of Banchory Energy Centre

Banchory Primary School pupils visit Hill of Banchory Energy Centre as part of Sustainability project

Throughout November, pupils from Banchory Primary School have been learning how individuals and organisations use technologies to support sustainability and reduce the impact on our environment.

As well as learning how small changes at home can make a big difference, they have been learning how different organisations are addressing sustainability and what this means for our countryside.

While learning about different sources of energy and power, more than 60 children visited the Hill of Banchory Energy Centre to see how biomass energy is generated by using organic material as an energy source and how the Energy Centre provides services to over 280 homes and 13 businesses and organisations within the surrounding area.

With some pupils living in the Hill of Banchory area and others regularly using the Banchory Sports Village or attending Deeside Rugby Club, Operations Manager, Mike Allan, and Land Use & Sustainability Manager, Mhairi Robertson, were able to show the children how they use biomass energy on a day-to-day basis without realising it.

As well as enjoying a guided tour of the facility, Mhairi and Mike also took time to explain the importance of the quality and moisture content of the woodchip and pellets that are used in the biomass, and why Leys Estate’s own willow crop plays an important role in the operation of the Centre.

Our team thoroughly enjoyed their time with the pupils who engaged in a very interesting Q&A session with questions ranging from how many pipes are in the Energy Centre and what managing the network entails, to where the timber comes from and how much woodchip the facility can hold at any one time.

We look forward to building on this visit and welcoming more Banchory Primary pupils to Leys Estate over the coming months.