Vision, Mission, Values

Our Vision
The Leys Estate Group vision is of a progressive and integrated system of land and property ownership, use and management that delivers a wide range of benefits to its owners, tenants, neighbours and local community whilst protecting the social, cultural, historical, economic and environmental attributes of the land and property and surrounding area and educating the future.

Our Mission
Our mission is to ensure that successive Burnett family members and the local community enjoy and benefit from sound, fair, informed, innovative and sustainable land and property investment and management.
Our Values
Our core values help drive and deliver our Mission and Vision and are key to how we work as a team and interact with our colleagues, our tennants, customers and suppliers, neighbours and the local community.
We will develop our core values of;
Loyalty, Empowerment and Growth.

Our Culture
We understand the level of responsibility we have as a Group in managing a valuable and valued asset. As well as focusing on our business needs, we will target delivery of social, environmental and community benefit as part of our core strategic objectives.
We are committed to promoting a healthy culture where employees feel valued, supported and motivated.
We promote effective teamwork and collaboration, fairness, communication and shared goals and problem solving while ensuring we are professional and business-like in land and property management.
We strive to operate in an open, transparent and accountable way and will work with our teams to further develop our values and culture over the plan period.

Our Commitment to Communications
We are committed to engaging and working with the local community to break through the barriers of assumed knowledge; educate stakeholders about the Estate’s positive impact on the local economy and the commitment the Leys Estate Group and Burnett family have to the Crathes and Banchory area.
We are passionate about supporting and promoting local businesses and those within the Leys Estate Group. Our Communications Strategy is based on six core messages:
Progressive – We actively encourage innovative partnerships with local people and businesses, public, private and third sector organisations.
Integration – We encourage open communication between the Estate, those who live and work on the Estate and the local community.
Environment – We are committed to reducing negative impacts our operations have on the environment and exercising good environmental stewardship where we can.
Protection – We recognise the value of natural and built heritage, sustainable development and show commitment to working with others to enhance these.
Leaving a Positive Legacy – We play a key role in the local economy, the future of the Crathes and Banchory area and protecting its heritage.
Partnerships with Schools – We are passionate about working with Crathes and Banchory Schools to expand knowledge about modern working Estates and issues that affect our countryside.
Access Statement
Anyone accessing rivers, streams and other bodies of water on the Estate should be conscious of the inherent dangers and should exercise extreme caution. River levels can change rapidly, and without warning, as precipitation in the upper catchment can result in large quantities of water coming downstream even when local conditions appear calm. River currents can be very strong and should not be underestimated by anyone choosing to enter the water. It is possible that the natural action of the water may undermine the riverbank and that ground may give way unexpectedly. The action of the water and wildlife can also leave holes and depressions in the ground which may be hidden by vegetation. Strong currents and high rivers may deposit debris on the river bank or on the riverbed in unexpected places. Before accessing any area of water on Leys Estate, please refer to for guidance.