Leys Estate Helps Development Of Outdoor Classroom

The Assisted Learning Team at Banchory Academy has spent the last five years developing an outdoor space for students with additional learning support needs.
Representatives from Leys Estate attended a special garden party at the Outdoor Classroom where pupils were able to show visitors how the space has developed and explain how important the space is to their learning.
The Estate last visited the space in 2019 and enjoyed seeing the projects the students have been involved in since including building a pond, developing different areas for wildlife, growing vegetables and developing a covered area, complete with firepit.
Since the start of the project, Leys Estate has provided willow from its crop on the Estate which has been used to provide shelter to the area, small fences to section off the vegetable plot and a number of other projects related to subjects the pupils are studying.
The area is used by students of all ages and provides additional learning opportunities out with the traditional classroom environment.
We look forward to continuing our support of the development of the area.