Leys Group Raises More Than £12,000 For Forget Me Not Club

Generous employees of Banchory-based Leys Group have presented a Deeside-based charity with a five-figure sum following a year of fundraising.
The Leys Group, which includes The Bancon Group, Leys Estate and North Banchory Company, presented Forget Me Not Club, a Banchory-based charity which provides support for those living with and caring for people with dementia, with a cheque for more than £12,000.
Led by the Group’s charity committee, staff and their friends and family took part in a number of group wide and individual fundraising events and challenges throughout the year.
Staff got behind a number of events including a Christmas Jumper day, a number of themed bake sales and a popular Christmas Fayre.
Alexander Burnett, Chairman of the Leys Group, along with John Irvine, CEO of The Bancon Group and members of the charity committee met with representatives from the charity to hand over the donation.
He said: “Everyone has thoroughly enjoyed being part of the various fundraising activities during the past 12 months and really got behind supporting Forget Me Not Club.
“Dementia is something that many families experience and to be able to support a charity which is in the heart of the community in which many of our staff live and work was important to many.
“We look forward to hearing how our donation will help continue to support the people who access Forget Me Not Club and their development.”
Joanne Ross, Forget Me Not Operations Manager, was on hand to collect the cheque on behalf of the charity. She said: “We are absolutely delighted to accept such an amazing donation from the Leys Group. We have been following their fundraising throughout the year and on behalf of everyone we support, I would like to thank everyone involved for their dedication and generosity.
“The funds raised will allow us to continue to provide activities supporting people with Dementia at Bennett House in Banchory and throughout Deeside, as well as providing information and support for those caring for people with dementia.”
The picture shows, from left to right;
Taylor Hill (charity committee member), Alexander Burnett (Chairman Leys Group), Emily Simpson (charity committee member), Julia, Pat and Ella with John Irvine (CEO Bancon Group) and Joanne Ross, Forget me Not Club Operations Manager.
Founded in 1999, the Forget Me Not Club provides invaluable support to those living with and caring for people with dementia. With a dedicated and highly qualified team of staff and volunteers, the charity runs a host of activities in Banchory and throughout Deeside. For further information about Forget-Me-Not visit www.forgetmenotclub.co.uk or email [email protected]