Sale Of Burnett Vintage & Collectables Returns For Second Year

A sale of unique vintage and collectable items is returning to Deeside following the success of the inaugural sale in 2022.
Taking place at Milton Art Gallery, Milton of Crathes, between 19th – 24th September, this unique event features items from the Burnett family including items with links to Crathes Castle and Deeside as well as collectables from further afield.
Last year’s event raised just over £1,000 for Leys Charitable Trust which supports the advancement of environmental protection and improvement projects as well as arts, heritage, culture and science initiatives within the Banchory and Crathes areas.
Included in last year’s sale was a wide range of vintage tableware, copper collections, clocks, curiosities and silverware.
The sale is open Tuesday, 19th to Sunday, 24th September between 10.00am and 4.30pm.