
“Management of the commercial and amenity woodlands for sustainable timber production focusing on natural regeneration and carbon sequestration, whilst integrating recreational and amenity use.”
The forestry assets of the Leys Estate Group can be split in to two distinct types, commercial forestry (800 acres) and amenity woodland (circa 600 acres). The sporting, recreational and agricultural activities of the estate overlay both of these types of woodland and influence how both are managed i.e. not all forestry policies, decisions and activity are purely forestry driven.
We have a 20-year Long Term Forrest Management Plan (LTFMP) for 2015 to 2035.
Over the past 5 years, we have brought the Group’s commercial forestry activity back to a 5-year rotational thinning cycle and have significantly changed our strategy to avoid the use of new forestry fencing where possible.
The LTFMP review in 2025 will shape what Group forestry objectives are achievable within this next 5-year Strategic Plan period.
These values and management objectives are guided by Scottish Government Forestry Policy and therefore aim to deliver National Forestry objectives. You can read more about the Scottish Government Forestry Policy here.

Key Objectives
- Implement the next 10-year phase of the LTFMP from 2025.
- Re-consider Forest Certification.
- Continue a policy of Continuous Cover Silvicultural Systems where possible.
- Facilitate woodland recreation and other business uses.
- Assess opportunities for new planting areas for commercial and amenity woodlands.
- Improve biodiversity and carbon footprint across the forest resource.
- Assess market for alternative woodland primary and by-products.

Wood Lots and Forest Schools
We work with the Scottish Wood Lot Association to make it possible for people in the local area to lease a small plot of woodland on the estate. This includes working with schools in Banchory and Crathes to provide the opportunity for outdoor classrooms and adventures.
Woodlot licences are a great way of involving local families in forest management and tenure. Tenants can access and utilise their own plot, extracting timber for their own use (firewood) and using the area for recreation with the aim of growing sustainable small-scale forestry.
If you are interested in this please visit the Scottish Wood Lot Association website by clicking the button below.

Firewood Delivered Direct To Your Door
If you live in the Banchory area, Leys Estate can deliver firewood direct to your door. Our firewood is produced on the estate meaning it is a truly locally sourced resource.
Logs are delivered by our team, to your door, and loose tipped from our delivery vehicles. Please ensure you have a suitable, safe area for our team to unload the firewood.
Our wood is air dried to 18-25% prior to sale meaning it can be used as soon as it is delivered to you. Deliveries can be made up of hard or soft wood, or a mixed loads, and are approximately 3.5 cubic metre.
Delivery is available within a 15 mile radius of Banchory. Unfortunately it’s not always possible to delivery out with this area, but please contact us as we may be able to help.
Keep your real fire, log burner or stove fuelled this winter by calling 01330 826506 or emailing [email protected].