Land Use, Environment and Biodiversity
“Delivering key Scottish Government goals of appropriate land use and preservation and enhancement of the biodiversity, natural capital and environmental assets of the estate and surrounding community.”
Leys Estate Group’s Vision Statement states that must commit to protecting the social, cultural, historical, economic and environmental attributes of the land and surrounding area.
The two key existential global threats are the Climate Emergency and Nature Emergency and they are intrinsically linked. We are dependant on climate and nature, not just for our wellbeing but our economy. Globally, there is a need for a fundamental land use change.

Key Objectives
- Assess baseline biodiversity, carbon and natural capital assests.
- Create and implement an integrated Estate Land Use Management Plan.
- Create and adopt a carbon and net zero policy.
- Consider the business model for Nature Recovery, creating value for carbon credits, carbon off-setting, bio-diversity certificates, Nature Impact Tokens etc.
- Implement a Natural Capital protection and enhancement policy.